(sorry about the photo quality,i need a new camera…sooo BAD!!)
ok so first I went to the dollar store and bought 4 wooden frames. $4
I took out the glass and backs,but save the “fake” photo that comes inside to use as a template to cut your scrapbook paper.
ok,so now take the frames outside and spray paint them to your desired color. I’m lovin baby blue right now.
Ok,so use the template we talked about and cut your scrapbook paper while the frames dry.I chose contrasting but coordinating prints.

Ok,now cut out the letters you want in your frames. I chose LOVE and I used my cricut(cant live with out it) to cut them out.I went with white cardstock but use your imagination if you wanna.
then glue them onto the paper.
I wanted a cute way to hang them so i spray painted giant tacks to match the frame. to make it easier to paint, I pushed the tacks into a box to paint them.(again,sorry about the photos)
ok,so when your frames are dry. Fill them with your prints.I hot glued organza ribbon on the backs of my frames to hang them by.
Now,you’re all done. hang ‘em up and ENJOY!
and check out these awesome crafts on the cheap.