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Thursday, April 19, 2012


Hey Y'all.
I am finally back after a week or so. My laptop cord was broken and my desktop  kept freezing. Talk about annoying..ay yi yi!!  I just took the opportunity to study my but off for my real estate exam.I missed you guys and its great to be back to the blog=)
Yesterday (April 18th) was my birthday and the day before was my Rockstar hubby's birthday. We celebrated by eating our fav foods and going on job interviews.Well actually he went on the interviews, I just tagged along for luck. please pray that we get good news from one special place he interviewed. We are really hoping he gets this job =)  I'm off to check out Pinterest for a bit. Please feel free to follow me on Pinterest.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Hello Every Bunny(get it,every bunny??? haha)
I hope you are all having a great Easter. I am gonna start out but showing you an EPIC FAIL by yours truly. If you have been by RockStar cottage before you have probably heard me talk about my two worst characteristics. I have no patience and I'm a last minute do-er. SAD BUT TRUE!!

I loved the look of tie dyed eggs. No not Bob Marley hippie chic(but that would be cute too huh??) The kind dyed with actual silk ties. So I went thru my Hubby's old ties and grabed a couple at a thrft store. I was getting the boys ready to go out of town butwanted to try this anyway. With less tha an hour before we were suppose to leave I rushed and FAILED=( I KNOW EXACTLY WHY TOO!! So I did learn something . I didn't wrap the egg enough so it only deposited dyed in the best wrapped places. so I put the dark reds in with the baby yellow so it overpowered it. Ok,here it is......

not great at all. BUT I know someone who has patience and did hers beautifully.
It's Martha..
Click on this beautiful photo too see an Epic Win and her TUTORIAL!!

Well that's it for today. I hope you all have a very

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Test and the Tooth Fairy

Hello my lovelies. I am so excited to announce that I have passed my final exam for my real estate class. Now all I have to do is pass the actual state exam. I have been studying very hard and I can not tell you how HAPPY I am to be almost done.
Also in the news today... my youngest son has lost yet another front tooth!!
I hope that the tooth fairy  won the mega millions lottery that was so popular because at the rate we're going she just may need back up. We do a fun little tradition here. Instead of putting our tooth under our pillow, we put it in a glass of water. Then when thetooth  fairy comes and sees i it, she is so happy and  dances around leaving magical glitter everywhere.. (for easy cleanup) But MOSTLY in the glass This excites them and gives me something else to sprinkle glitter on :) What does the tooth fairy do when she comes to your house??? Please feel free to leave a comment with a link to your Tooth Fairy Post or any other fun childhood traditions.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Sweet Southern Summer Coconut Tea Recipe

I warn you, This is the BEST TEA you will ever drink.!!
I have never shared this simple recipe before but I get a lot of request to bring this to summer parties.
I came across this recipe from a true Southern Belle. I was born here in the south but this beautiful Lady had the southern drawl thick as bbq sauce, and she made men blush with her unknowing confidence. I am talking Blanche Deveraux(from Golden Girls) in the flesh.

How about a quote=)

                     BLANCHE DEVEREAUX 
               ------------  It was at that moment I realized that my                                                       bosoms had the power to make music!---------------

Now...For the recipe.I like to make mine in quart sized jars because I drink them right from the jar. If you want to make a GALLON at a time just Multiply this recipe by 4
1 quarts size tea bag (I prefer Lipton)
1/3 to 1 C of Sugar
1/2 tsp baking soda(trust me,this cuts out that bitterness tea can get)
 Now add 1tsp of McCormick Imitation Coconut Flavoring.
Fill Jar with ingredients above,
add water till its  3/4 full--- saving room for ice--- and shake (if you have the lid on )or stir. 
Now YOU have to make a tough choice ...
You can either go all TRUE SOUTHERN SUMMER and sit your jar out in the sun for an hour or so OR if you cant stand the wait (like I usually cannot) Then pop it it your Microwave for 2 min.MAKE SURE THERE ARENT ANY STAPLES IN YOUR TEA BAGS IF YOU USE THE MICROWAVE AND FOR GOODNESS SAKE.....DONT POP IT IN THERE WITH THE METAL LID ON!!
Now add ice, sit on the front porch,and enjoy .

♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯Thank you for being a friend...♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯